Gröna EQUO till val för första gången i Spanien

Dear Green Friend:

On November 20th, there will be national elections in Spain.

EQUO -the newly-born spanish green party- will run for the first time in these national elections. To make it possible, EQUO collected around 80,000 endorsements from all over Spain.

With the support of the European Green Party, EQUO was launched in 2011 as a common political and social project bringing together more than 35 spanish green movements and, on the other side, individuals who share common objectives, such as economic, environmental and social sustainability and the defence of civil rights. Juan López de Uralde, former director of Greenpeace Spain, is the head of list. In Catalonia, EQUO has reached an agreement with European Green Party Member ICV.

To have the best result in these elections, we need your help: we ask you to spread the word and forward this message and its attachments into your networks, most of all to the Spanish citizens who live in your country. These Spansih citizens have the right to vote and we want them to know how to vote and to know what and who EQUO is.

In attachments, you will find a ”how to vote” explanation (in Spanish) for these citizens.

For any further question, please feel free to contact me or visit the Equo website:

Green Greetings from Spain,

Florent Marcellesi

Proyecto Equo

Tlfno: +34 628 33 48 91