African European Parliamentarians Initiative i Europaparlamentet

Tack Tomas Tobé för inbjudan att tala om demokratiutveckling i Afrika och hur vi som parlamentariker kan delta på olika sätt under ett utskottsmöte. Tillsammans med två andra styrelseledamöter, Brendan Howlin och Els van Hoof fick jag möjlighet att berätta om det arbete Els van Hoof, African European Parliamentarians Initiative arbetar med i Sydsudan och East African Legislative Assembly. Vill du veta mer om vårt arbete kan du hitta mer information på vår hemsida.

Strengthening Parliamentary Ties Between African and European Parliamentarians

By AEPI / May 12, 2023

Brussels, 23rd May 2023, the Development Committee of the European Parliament held and Exchange of Views in which AEPI was invited to present. After an introduction to the subject Development Committee Chair Tomoas Tobé invited Brendan Howlin AEPI Vice President, Former Leader Irish Labour Party and Els van Hoof, AEPI Board member and Chair of the Belgian External Relations Committee to speak on the subject of: Strengthening parliamentary ties between African and European parliamentarians.

After interventions from the floor the Chair invited Brendan Howlin and Bodil Valero, AEPI Secretary of the Board and former MEP to respond.

Please click on the following link to watch the full Exchange of Views which began just after 10:00. The exchange took place for just over an hour:

Please click on the following link to read the speech: